Food News

Idaho Falls Senior Center Holds Food Drive to Replace Funding | Local News

Food insecurity in the US went down between 2020 and 2021, but one age group saw a rise instead of a dip. Those over the age of 60 aren’t always sure of where their next meal will come from. The Idaho Falls Senior Citizens Community Center tries to alleviate this by providing daily in-house meals and delivered meals. Unfortunately, the weekend meals they have traditionally provided may not continue.

“We lost our grant funding. It ended in December, so we haven’t been able to give them any weekend meals,” said the center’s executive director, Sarah Ryner.

To remedy the situation, the center is holding a food drive the entire month of March.

The center is looking for food donations in the form of canned goods. It is looking for foods for a balanced diet, such as proteins, fruit, vegetables, and starches.

Food items can be dropped off at several locations into St. Patrick’s Day-themed boxes. Locations are Broulins, Albertsons on Broadway and 17th Street, Walmart on Utah, Grocery Outlet Bargain Market, the Humanitarian Center, City Hall, the city Courthouse, Lincoln Court Assisted Living, Fairwinds Assisted Living, and the Idaho Falls Public Library.