FDTag: free recipe
FDTag: free recipe

Tag: free recipe


‘Goldie’s Relish’: Family recipe raises money for charity in mother’s memory – DiscoverMooseJaw.com

After Goldie Rigetti’s death of cancer in 2022, her daughter-in-law Debbie decided to take Goldie’s traditional relish recipe upon herself — it is so popular she is now selling it as a fundraiser for the Salvation Army.

“So, Goldie Rigetti died a couple years ago, she was 90, and she was here for many years, farming,” Debbie Rigetti explained. “I married her son, obviously, and he couldn’t raid her pantry anymore. I’ve never canned it before, but I thought I’d give it a try, and it turned out really good!”

Rigetti admitted that she is not, herself, a ‘relish person.’ Nevertheless, the experience has turned out to be a heartwarming journey of remembrance for a woman beloved as a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, and friend. It is also a way to remember the March 6 date of her passing.

“I thought, well, I’ll give out the little jars of relish to (everyone), and I couldn’t believe the stories they all told me about her. And I thought, how many people did she know and how many lives did she touch? And what a nice way to get out there and donate something to these friends and get these stories back