How to season and care for cast iron cookware

DOVER – That old, dusty, rusty-looking cast iron skillet from Grandma’s house just might be worth saving after all.

Corinna Gromley and Kate Shumaker, educators from The Ohio State University Extension Tuscarawas County, recently hosted Cooking in Cast Iron at the Dover Public Library, in which topics such as proper selection, care, tips and tricks were covered.

Corinna Gromley, an educator with The Ohio State University Extension, talks about proper care for cast iron cookware, at the Dover Public Library.

There are many types of cast iron from which to select depending on your cooking needs, wants, and desires. It all depends on where you are going to be cooking, what you plan to cook, and for how many people, Gromely said as she led the class through a discussion about various examples of cookware on display.

Various types of cast iron cookware were on display during a Cooking in Cast Iron class led by Corinna Gromley and Kate Shumaker, educators from The Ohio State University Extension Tuscarawas County.

While contemporary cast iron is still in production by companies such as Lodge and Le Creuset, the lion’s share still in use was likely produced by smaller independent, early 20th century regional forges in the United States. You’ve likely seen them in thrift stores, antique stores, swap meets, or even someone’s home, and wondered, ‘Can I use those?’