The Pine City Heritage Players are no strangers to trying new things — new scripts, new costumes, new set pieces.
But this month, the community theater is experiencing two firsts at the same time: a dinner theater and a director known more for acting with the Heritage Players than leading the charge.
The theater will debut its dinner theater at 6 pm on March 8 and 9 at the Braham Event Center, with an interactive mystery appropriately called “Murder on the Menu.” A dessert show will be served up at 2 pm on March 10.
Dawn Carpenter, president of the theater’s board of directors, said doing a dinner theater had been cooking for some time.
“This is our first adventure out of this community and our first collaboration with the Braham Event Center, which we’re really excited about,” Carpenter said. “We’ve been wanting to do a dinner theater for a while, and there really hasn’t been a venue in this area that could support it. So we thought, well, let’s move out and try it in another community and bring Pine City Heritage Players to another community to try to spread that theater experience, so we’re really excited to try